Glühwein, in English Mulled Wine, is probably the oldest version of spiced wine. Its predecessors have been enjoyed in the middle ages and in ancient Rome, although not in any way associated with any holidays. In the German speaking parts of Europe, Glühwein is usually associated with the festive atmosphere of the outdoor Christmas markets where it helps keeping people warm despite the icy temperatures. Outside the few cold winter months around Christmas and New Year’s, it nearly disappears from the face of the earth, just to reappear a year later, when the temperatures drop again…
- 2 bottles (=1.5 liter) of good quality red wine
- 1.5 cups of water
- 2 lemons
- 6 cloves
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 oranges
The Steps:
Cut up oranges into small, bite sized pieces. Pour water into large pot, add cloves, cinnamon sticks, orange pieces, and juice of lemons. Heat concoction to boil, stirring gently. Let sit for about 30 minutes. Add wine and heat up to near boil.
Variation: Depending on personal taste, up to 4oz. of brown or cane sugar can be added to the water, before boiling.
Finally, serve in pre-warmed cups.
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*Photos by folklifestyle.com (above) and comidayvinos.com (right)
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