A Gentleman always does his best to hold in high regard the holidays and times of remembrance that are afforded him. They are reminders that we are none of us self-made. Many lives and actions help make us and teach us to be who we are today.
Especially our fathers.
Not everyone is afforded the privilege of having their father’s attention, guidance, and wisdom often within reach. When they are, it is a true blessing. Fathers seek the straight and becoming road for their boys. They strive to make their own sons bigger and stronger with every provision and opportunity that they have available. They are coaches and teachers. Captains. Medics. Providers. Warriors. Guides. All in one. And for that we can be most thankful.
As a Gentleman, one should always be purposeful to say thank you for his father, or similarly to the fathers he knows. It is his own calling to accordingly build up and demonstrate strong examples for the youth that are watching. The gentlemen of tomorrow are the products of us gentlemen today, as we are products of our fathers before us.
A Gentleman Gives:
- A quality 7-Fold neck tie
- A silk pocket square or two
- A badger-hair shaving brush, or complete shaving kit
- A single-malt scotch
- A bottle of grappa
Finally, make sure you write a letter or give a call to your father, grandfather, or closest titan in your life. From us at the Gentleman’s Digest, we say “many thanks!” to the fathers out there. And especially to ours.
– The GD Team